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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who cause their terror to be on all that dwelt in it!
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They shall take up a lamentation over you, and tell you, "How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, who was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!
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And they shall take [2over 3you 1a lamentation], and shall say to you, O how you were destroyed and deposed from the sea, O [2city 1praiseworthy], who was strong in her sea, and the ones inhabiting her, the one putting her fear in all her inhabitants.
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They shall take up a lamentation over you, and tell you, "How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, who was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!
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Then shall they take up over thee a dirge, And say to thee,- How hast thou perished, And ceased from the seas,- The city renowned which was strong in the sea She and they who dwelt in her, Who imparted their terror To all who dwelt in her.
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And they will raise a lament over you, and they will say to you, ‘How you have been lost who was inhabited from the seas; the city that was praised, that was strong. It is located on the sea, and its inhabitants imposed their terror ⌞on all of its inhabitants⌟.
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee and say to thee, How didst thou perish, [that wast] inhabited in the seas? The renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror [to be] on all those that dwell therein.
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, [that wast] inhabited by sea-faring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who cause their terror [to be] on all that haunt it!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How hast thou perished, that wast inhabited from the seas, O renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, — she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all them that dwell therein!
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And they shall take up a lamentation over thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, that was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, that caused their terror to be on all that dwelt there!
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And they shall take up a lament for you and say to you, How you are perished, who lived by the seas, the city well praised, which was strong in the sea, she and her dwellers, who put their terror on all her dwellers!
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And they shall take vp a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, Howe art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of the sea men, the renoumed citie which was strong in the sea, both she and her inhabitants, which cause their feare to be on all that haunt therein!
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And taking up a lamentation over you, they will say to you: ‘How could you have perished, you who live in the sea, the famous city that was strong in the sea, with your inhabitants, of whom the whole world was in dread?’
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And they will send up a song of grief for you, and say to you, What destruction has come on you, how are you cut off from the sea, the noted town, which was strong in the sea, she and her people, causing the fear of them to come on all the dry land!
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And taking up a lamentation over thee, they shall say to thee: How art thou fallen, that dwellest in the sea, renowned city that wast strong in the sea, with thy inhabitants whom all did dread?
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Then they will sing this funeral song for you: Tyre, you famous city, you have been destroyed. You have been shattered by the sea. You and your people ruled the sea. All your people terrified those who lived by the coast.
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee: how art thou destroyed, that wast peopled from the seas, the renowned city, that wast strong in the sea, thou and thy inhabitants, that caused your terror to be on all that inhabit the earth!
26:17 |
And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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They will sing this lament over you: "'How you have perished - you have vanished from the seas, O renowned city, once mighty in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who spread their terror!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for you, and shall say to you, How are you destroyed from out of the sea, O renowned city, that brought her terror upon all her inhabitants!
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And they shall take up a mourning for you, and say to you, "How are you destroyed who lived by the sea, the famous city which was strong in the sea, she and her people who caused their terror to be upon all who lived in it!
26:17 |
They shall take up a lamentation over you, and tell you, "How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, who was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!
26:17 |
They will sing this lament over you: "'How you have perished - you have vanished from the seas, O renowned city, once mighty in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who spread their terror!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for you, and say to you, How are you destroyed, that were inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which were strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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And they shall utter a lamentation over thee, and say to thee, "How art thou destroyed, thou that wast peopled from the seas, the renowned city, that wast mighty upon the sea, thou and thine inhabitants, causing terror to all that dwelt near thee!"
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
26:17 |
And they shall take up a lamentation for you, and say to you, How are you destroyed, that were inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which were strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
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And they shall take up a mourning for you, and say to you, How you who lived by the sea are destroyed, the famous city which was strong in the sea, she and her people who caused their terror to be on all who lived in it!
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And have lifted up for thee a lamentation, And said to thee: How hast thou perished, That art inhabited from the seas, The praised city, that was strong in the sea, She and her inhabitants, Who put their terror on all her inhabitants!
26:17 |
And they shall take up a lamentation over thee, and say to thee, How thou are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city that was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who dwelt there!