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I Es KJVA 6:27  And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice, and Sathrabuzanes, and their companions, and those which were appointed rulers in Syria and Phenice, should be careful not to meddle with the place, but suffer Zorobabel, the servant of the Lord, and governor of Judea, and the elders of the Jews, to build the house of the Lord in that place.
I Es Vulgate 6:27  et praecepit curam agere Sisennem, subregulum Syriae et Foenices, et Satrabozanen et sodales eius et qui ordinati erant in Syria et Foenice praesides, ut abstinerent se ab eodem loco; sinere autem puerum Domini Zorobabel et subregulum Iudaeae et seniores Iudaeorum domum Domini illam aedificare eodem loco.