I Ma
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in a great convocation of the priests, and the people, and the leaders of the nation, and the elders of the country, these things were noted: ‘Now there have often been battles in our country.
I Ma
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In a great assembly of the priests, and of the people, and the princes of the nation, and the ancients of the country, these things were notified: Forasmuch as there have often been wars in our country,
I Ma
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At Saramel in the great congregation of the priests, and people, and rulers of the nation, and elders of the country, were these things notified unto us.
I Ma
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in conventu magno sacerdotum, et populi, et principum gentis, et seniorum regionis, nota facta sunt haec: Quoniam frequenter facta sunt praelia in regione nostra.
I Ma
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in conventu magno sacerdotum, et populi, et principum gentis, et seniorum regionis, nota facta sunt hæc: Quoniam frequenter facta sunt prælia in regione nostra.
I Ma
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in conventu magno sacerdotum et populi et principum gentis et seniorum regis nota facta sunt haec quoniam frequenter facta sunt proelia in regione nostra
I Ma
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in conventu magno sacerdotum, et populi, et principum gentis, et seniorum regionis, nota facta sunt hæc: Quoniam frequenter facta sunt prælia in regione nostra.
I Ma
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in conventu magno sacerdotum, et populi, et principum gentis, et seniorum regionis, nota facta sunt hæc : quoniam frequenter facta sunt prælia in regione nostra,