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Judi CPDV 5:1  And it was reported to Holofernes, the leader of the military of the Assyrians, that the sons of Israel were preparing themselves to resist, and also that they had closed the mountain passes.
Judi DRC 5:1  And it was told Holofernes the general of the army of the Assyrians, that the children of Israel prepared themselves to resist, and had shut up the ways of the mountains.
Judi KJVA 5:1  Then was it declared to Holofernes, the chief captain of the army of Assur, that the children of Israel had prepared for war, and had shut up the passages of the hill country, and had fortified all the tops of the high hills and had laid impediments in the champaign countries:
Judi VulgSist 5:1  Nunciatumque est Holoferni principi militiae Assyriorum, quod filii Israel praepararent se ad resistendum, ac montium itinera conclusissent,
Judi VulgCont 5:1  Nunciatumque est Holoferni principi militiæ Assyriorum, quod filii Israel præpararent se ad resistendum, ac montium itinera conclusissent,
Judi Vulgate 5:1  nuntiatumque est Holoferni principi militiae Assyriorum quod filii Israhel praepararent se ad resistendum ac montium itinera conclusissent
Judi VulgHetz 5:1  Nunciatumque est Holoferni principi militiæ Assyriorum, quod filii Israel præpararent se ad resistendum, ac montium itinera conclusissent,
Judi VulgClem 5:1  Nuntiatumque est Holoferni principi militiæ Assyriorum, quod filii Israël præpararent se ad resistendum, ac montium itinera conclusissent :
Judi CzeB21 5:1  Když Holofernes, vrchní velitel asyrské armády, dostal zprávu, že se Izraelci připravili k boji – že uzavřeli horské průsmyky, opevnili všechny vysoké vrcholy a na pláních postavili zátarasy –