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Psal RWebster 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.
Psal NHEBJE 117:2  For his loving kindness is great toward us. Jehovah's faithfulness endures forever. Praise Yah!
Psal ABP 117:2  For [2is strengthened 1his mercy] upon us, and the truth of the lord abides into the eon.
Psal NHEBME 117:2  For his loving kindness is great toward us. The Lord's faithfulness endures forever. Praise Yah!
Psal Rotherha 117:2  For his lovingkindness, hath prevailed over us, and, the faithfulness of Yahweh, is to times age-abiding. Praise ye Yah!
Psal LEB 117:2  For his loyal love is mighty on our behalf, and the faithfulness of Yahweh is forever. Praise Yah!
Psal RNKJV 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of יהוה endureth for ever. Praise ye יהוה.
Psal Jubilee2 117:2  For he has greatly increased his mercy upon us; and the truth of the LORD [endures] for ever. Halelu-JAH.:
Psal Webster 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great towards us: and the truth of the LORD [endureth] for ever. Praise ye the LORD.
Psal Darby 117:2  For his loving-kindness is great toward us, and the truth of Jehovah [endureth] for ever. Hallelujah!
Psal OEB 117:2  For his mighty love is over us: the Lord is faithful forever. Hallelujah.
Psal ASV 117:2  For his lovingkindness is great toward us; And the truth of Jehovahendurethfor ever. Praise ye Jehovah.
Psal LITV 117:2  for His mercy is mighty over us, and the truth of Jehovah is forever. Praise Jehovah!
Psal Geneva15 117:2  For his louing kindnes is great toward vs, and the trueth of the Lord endureth for euer. Praise yee the Lord.
Psal CPDV 117:2  Let Israel now say: For he is good, for his mercy is forever.
Psal BBE 117:2  For great is his mercy to us, and his faith is unchanging for ever. Praise be to the Lord.
Psal DRC 117:2  Let Israel now say, that he is good: that his mercy endureth for ever.
Psal GodsWord 117:2  His mercy toward us is powerful. The LORD's faithfulness endures forever. Hallelujah!
Psal JPS 117:2  For His mercy is great toward us; and the truth of HaShem endureth for ever. Hallelujah.
Psal KJVPCE 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord.
Psal NETfree 117:2  For his loyal love towers over us, and the LORD's faithfulness endures. Praise the LORD!
Psal AB 117:2  For His mercy has been abundant toward us; and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Psal AFV2020 117:2  For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!
Psal NHEB 117:2  For his loving kindness is great toward us. The Lord's faithfulness endures forever. Praise Yah!
Psal OEBcth 117:2  For his mighty love is over us: the Lord is faithful forever. Hallelujah.
Psal NETtext 117:2  For his loyal love towers over us, and the LORD's faithfulness endures. Praise the LORD!
Psal UKJV 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endures for ever. Praise all of you the LORD.
Psal Noyes 117:2  For great toward us hath been his kindness, And the faithfulness of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD!
Psal KJV 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord.
Psal KJVA 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord.
Psal AKJV 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endures for ever. Praise you the LORD.
Psal RLT 117:2  For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of Yhwh endureth for ever. Hallelujah.
Psal MKJV 117:2  For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!
Psal YLT 117:2  For mighty to us hath been His kindness, And the truth of Jehovah is to the age. Praise ye Jah!
Psal ACV 117:2  For his loving kindness is great toward us, and the truth of Jehovah is forever. Praise ye Jehovah.
Psal VulgSist 117:2  Dicat nunc Israel quoniam bonus: quoniam in saeculum misericordia eius.
Psal VulgCont 117:2  Dicat nunc Israel quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
Psal Vulgate 117:2  dicat nunc Israhel quoniam bonus quoniam in saeculum misericordia eius dicat nunc Israhel quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius
Psal VulgHetz 117:2  Dicat nunc Israel quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
Psal VulgClem 117:2  Dicat nunc Israël : Quoniam bonus, quoniam in sæculum misericordia ejus.
Psal Vulgate_ 117:2  dicat nunc Israhel quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius [ (Psalms 117:3) dicat domus Aaron quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius ] [ (Psalms 117:4) dicant qui timent Dominum quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius ] [ (Psalms 117:5) cum tribularer invocavi Dominum et exaudivit me in latitudine Dominus ] [ (Psalms 117:6) Dominus meus es non timebo quid faciat mihi homo ] [ (Psalms 117:7) Dominus mihi auxiliator et ego despiciam odientes me ] [ (Psalms 117:8) melius est sperare in Domino quam sperare in homine ] [ (Psalms 117:9) melius est sperare in Domino quam sperare in principibus ] [ (Psalms 117:10) omnes gentes circumdederunt me et in nomine Domini ultus sum eas ] [ (Psalms 117:11) circumdederunt me et obsederunt me sed in nomine Domini ultus sum eas ] [ (Psalms 117:12) circumdederunt me quasi apes extinctae sunt quasi ignis spinarum in nomine Domini quia ultus sum eas ] [ (Psalms 117:13) inpulsus pellebar ut caderem et Dominus sustentavit me ] [ (Psalms 117:14) fortitudo mea et laus mea Dominus et factus est mihi in salutem ] [ (Psalms 117:15) vox laudis et salutis in tabernaculis iustorum ] [ (Psalms 117:16) dextera Domini fecit fortitudinem dextera Domini excelsa dextera Domini fecit fortitudinem ] [ (Psalms 117:17) non moriar sed vivam et narrabo opera Domini ] [ (Psalms 117:18) corripiens arguit me Dominus et morti non tradidit me ] [ (Psalms 117:19) aperite mihi portas iustitiae ingressus eas confitebor Domino ] [ (Psalms 117:20) haec est porta Domini iusti intrabunt in eam ] [ (Psalms 117:21) confitebor tibi quoniam exaudisti me et factus es mihi in salutem ] [ (Psalms 117:22) lapis quem reprobaverunt aedificantes factus est in caput anguli ] [ (Psalms 117:23) a Domino factum est istud et hoc mirabile in oculis nostris ] [ (Psalms 117:24) haec est dies quam fecit Dominus exultemus et laetemur in ea ] [ (Psalms 117:25) obsecro Domine salva obsecro obsecro Domine prosperare obsecro ] [ (Psalms 117:26) benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini benediximus vobis de domo Domini ] [ (Psalms 117:27) Deus Dominus et apparuit nobis frequentate sollemnitatem in frondosis usque ad cornua altaris ] [ (Psalms 117:28) Deus meus es tu et confitebor tibi Deus meus es tu exaltabo te ] [ (Psalms 117:29) confitemini Domino quoniam bonus quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius ]
Psal CzeBKR 117:2  Neboť jest rozšířeno nad námi milosrdenství jeho, a pravda Hospodinova na věky. Halelujah.
Psal CzeB21 117:2  Jeho láska k nám je tak veliká, Hospodinova věrnost věky přetrvá! Haleluja!
Psal CzeCEP 117:2  neboť se nad námi mohutně klene jeho milosrdenství. Hospodinova věrnost je věčná! Haleluja.
Psal CzeCSP 117:2  neboť ⌈je mocné⌉ nad námi jeho milosrdenství. Hospodinova věrnost trvá navěky. Haleluja!