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Psal RWebster 21:13  Be thou exalted, LORD, in thy own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal NHEBJE 21:13  Be exalted, Jehovah, in your strength, so we will sing and praise your power.
Psal ABP 21:13  Be raised up high, O lord, in your power! We shall sing and strum of your dominations.
Psal NHEBME 21:13  Be exalted, Lord, in your strength, so we will sing and praise your power.
Psal Rotherha 21:13  Be exalted, O Yahweh, in thy strength! With song and with string will we sound forth thy power.
Psal LEB 21:13  Be exalted, O Yahweh, in your strength, and we sing and praise your power.
Psal RNKJV 21:13  Be thou exalted, יהוה, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal Jubilee2 21:13  Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: [so] will we sing and praise thy valour.:
Psal Webster 21:13  Be thou exalted, LORD, in thy own strength: [so] will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal Darby 21:13  Be thou exalted, Jehovah, in thine own strength: we will sing and celebrate thy power.
Psal OEB 21:13  Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength, to your might we will sing and make music.
Psal ASV 21:13  Be thou exalted, O Jehovah, in thy strength: So will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal LITV 21:13  Be exalted, O Jehovah, in Your strength; we will sing, and sing psalms of Your power.
Psal Geneva15 21:13  Be thou exalted, O Lord, in thy strength: so will we sing and prayse thy power.
Psal CPDV 21:13  Many calves have surrounded me; fat bulls have besieged me.
Psal BBE 21:13  Be lifted up, O Lord, in your strength; so will we make songs in praise of your power.
Psal DRC 21:13  Many calves have surrounded me: fat bulls have besieged me.
Psal GodsWord 21:13  Arise, O LORD, in your strength. We will sing and make music to praise your power.
Psal JPS 21:13  For thou shalt make them turn their back, thou shalt make ready with thy bowstrings against the face of them.
Psal KJVPCE 21:13  Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal NETfree 21:13  Rise up, O LORD, in strength! We will sing and praise your power!
Psal AB 21:13  Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your mighty acts.
Psal AFV2020 21:13  Be exalted, O LORD, in Your strength; so we will sing and praise Your power.
Psal NHEB 21:13  Be exalted, Lord, in your strength, so we will sing and praise your power.
Psal OEBcth 21:13  Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength, to your might we will sing and make music.
Psal NETtext 21:13  Rise up, O LORD, in strength! We will sing and praise your power!
Psal UKJV 21:13  Be you exalted, LORD, in your own strength: so will we sing and praise your power.
Psal Noyes 21:13  Exalt thyself, O LORD! by thy strength! So will we sing, and praise thy mighty deeds.
Psal KJV 21:13  Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal KJVA 21:13  Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal AKJV 21:13  Be you exalted, LORD, in your own strength: so will we sing and praise your power.
Psal RLT 21:13  Be thou exalted, Yhwh, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.
Psal MKJV 21:13  Be exalted, O LORD, in Your strength; we will sing, and praise Your power.
Psal YLT 21:13  Be Thou exalted, O Jehovah in, Thy strength, We sing and we praise Thy might!
Psal ACV 21:13  Be thou exalted, O Jehovah, in thy strength. We will sing and praise thy power.
Psal VulgSist 21:13  Circumdederunt me vituli multi: tauri pingues obsederunt me.
Psal VulgCont 21:13  Circumdederunt me vituli multi: tauri pingues obsederunt me.
Psal Vulgate 21:13  circumdederunt me vituli multi tauri pingues obsederunt me circumdederunt me vituli multi tauri pingues vallaverunt me
Psal VulgHetz 21:13  Circumdederunt me vituli multi: tauri pingues obsederunt me.
Psal VulgClem 21:13  Circumdederunt me vituli multi ; tauri pingues obsederunt me.
Psal Vulgate_ 21:13  circumdederunt me vituli multi tauri pingues vallaverunt me [ (Psalms 21:14) aperuerunt super me os suum quasi leo capiens et rugiens ] [ (Psalms 21:15) sicut aqua effusus sum et separata sunt omnia ossa mea factum est cor meum sicut cera liquefacta in medio ventris mei ] [ (Psalms 21:16) aruit velut testa fortitudo mea et lingua mea adhesit palato meo et in pulverem mortis detraxisti me ] [ (Psalms 21:17) circumdederunt me venatores concilium pessimorum vallavit me vinxerunt manus meas et pedes meos ] [ (Psalms 21:18) numeravi omnia ossa mea quae ipsi respicientes viderunt in me ] [ (Psalms 21:19) diviserunt vestimenta mea sibi et super vestimentum meum miserunt sortem ] [ (Psalms 21:20) tu autem Domine ne longe fias fortitudo mea in auxilium meum festina ] [ (Psalms 21:21) erue a gladio animam meam de manu canis solitariam meam ] [ (Psalms 21:22) salva me ex ore leonis et de cornibus unicornium exaudi me ] [ (Psalms 21:23) narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis in medio ecclesiae laudabo te ] [ (Psalms 21:24) qui timetis Dominum laudate eum omne semen Iacob glorificate eum ] [ (Psalms 21:25) et metuite eum universum semen Israhel quoniam non dispexit neque contempsit modestiam pauperis et non abscondit faciem suam ab eo et cum clamaret ad eum audivit ] [ (Psalms 21:26) apud te laus mea in ecclesia multa vota mea reddam in conspectu timentium eum ] [ (Psalms 21:27) comedent mites et saturabuntur laudabunt Dominum quaerentes eum vivet cor vestrum in sempiternum ] [ (Psalms 21:28) recordabuntur et convertentur ad Dominum omnes fines terrae et adorabunt coram eo universae cognationes gentium ] [ (Psalms 21:29) quia Domini est regnum et dominabitur gentibus ] [ (Psalms 21:30) comederunt et adoraverunt omnes pingues terrae ante faciem eius curvabunt genu universi qui descendunt in pulverem ] [ (Psalms 21:31) et anima eius ipsi vivet semen serviet ei ] [ (Psalms 21:32) narrabitur Domino in generatione venient et adnuntiabunt iustitias eius populo qui nascetur quas fecit ]
Psal CzeBKR 21:13  Zjeviž se, ó Hospodine, v síle své, a budemeť zpívati a oslavovati udatnost tvou.
Psal CzeB21 21:13  Ano, ty je obrátíš nazpět, až na ně namíříš svou tětivou.
Psal CzeCEP 21:13  Položíš je na lopatky, napneš proti nim tětivy svých luků.
Psal CzeCSP 21:13  Tětivy jim namíříš do tváře, a tak je přinutíš ukázat záda.