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Psal CPDV 36:22  For those who bless him will inherit the earth, but those who curse him will perish.
Psal DRC 36:22  For such as bless him shall inherit the land: but such as curse him shall perish.
Psal VulgSist 36:22  Quia benedicentes ei hereditabunt terram: maledicentes autem ei disperibunt.
Psal VulgCont 36:22  Quia benedicentes ei hereditabunt terram: maledicentes autem ei disperibunt.
Psal Vulgate 36:22  quia benedicentes ei hereditabunt terram maledicentes autem ei disperibunt quia qui benedicti fuerint ab eo hereditabunt terram et qui maledicti interibunt
Psal VulgHetz 36:22  Quia benedicentes ei hereditabunt terram: maledicentes autem ei disperibunt.
Psal VulgClem 36:22  quia benedicentes ei hæreditabunt terram ; maledicentes autem ei disperibunt.