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Psal CPDV 68:36  For God will save Zion, and the cities of Judah will be built up. And they will dwell there, and they will acquire it by inheritance.
Psal DRC 68:36  For God will save Sion, and the cities of Juda shall be built up. And they shall dwell there, and acquire it by inheritance.
Psal JPS 68:36  Awful is G-d out of thy holy places; the G-d of Israel, He giveth strength and power unto the people; blessed be G-d.
Psal VulgSist 68:36  Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion: et aedificabuntur civitates Iuda. Et inhabitabunt ibi, et hereditate acquirent eam.
Psal VulgCont 68:36  Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion: et ædificabuntur civitates Iuda. Et inhabitabunt ibi, et hereditate acquirent eam.
Psal Vulgate 68:36  quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion et aedificabuntur civitates Iudaeae et inhabitabunt ibi et hereditate adquirent eam quia Deus salvabit Sion et aedificabit civitates Iuda et habitabunt ibi et possidebunt eam
Psal VulgHetz 68:36  Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion: et ædificabuntur civitates Iuda. Et inhabitabunt ibi, et hereditate acquirent eam.
Psal VulgClem 68:36  Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion, et ædificabuntur civitates Juda, et inhabitabunt ibi, et hæreditate acquirent eam.
Psal CzeB21 68:36  Bože, jak hrozný jsi ve své svatyni! Bůh Izraele mocí a silou svůj lid obdaří. Bůh ať je požehnán!
Psal CzeCEP 68:36  Bůh ze tvých svatyň vzbuzuje bázeň, Bůh Izraele. On dává moc a udatnost lidu. Požehnán buď Bůh!
Psal CzeCSP 68:36  Bože, ze svých svatých míst vzbuzuješ hrůzu. Bůh Izraele, on dává lidu sílu a moc. Bůh buď požehnán!