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Psal RWebster 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal NHEBJE 77:20  You led your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal ABP 77:20  You guided [2as 3sheep 1your people] by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal NHEBME 77:20  You led your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal Rotherha 77:20  Thou didst lead, like a flock, thy people, By the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal LEB 77:20  You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal RNKJV 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal Jubilee2 77:20  Thou didst lead thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.:
Psal Webster 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal Darby 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal OEB 77:20  You did guide your folk like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal ASV 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock, By the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal LITV 77:20  You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal Geneva15 77:20  Thou diddest leade thy people like sheepe by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal CPDV 77:20  He struck the rock, and so waters flowed and the torrents flooded, but would even he be able to provide bread, or provide a table, for his people?”
Psal BBE 77:20  You were guiding your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal DRC 77:20  Because he struck the rock, and the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed. Can he also give bread, or provide a table for his people?
Psal GodsWord 77:20  Like a shepherd, you led your people. You had Moses and Aaron take them by the hand.
Psal JPS 77:20  Thy way was in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters, and Thy footsteps were not known.
Psal KJVPCE 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal NETfree 77:20  You led your people like a flock of sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal AB 77:20  You guided Your people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal AFV2020 77:20  You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal NHEB 77:20  You led your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal OEBcth 77:20  You did guide your folk like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal NETtext 77:20  You led your people like a flock of sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal UKJV 77:20  You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal Noyes 77:20  Thou didst lead thy people like a flock, By the hands of Moses and Aaron.
Psal KJV 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal KJVA 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal AKJV 77:20  You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal RLT 77:20  Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal MKJV 77:20  You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal YLT 77:20  Thou hast led as a flock Thy people, By the hand of Moses and Aaron!
Psal ACV 77:20  Thou led thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psal VulgSist 77:20  Quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquae, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo?
Psal VulgCont 77:20  Quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo?
Psal Vulgate 77:20  quoniam percussit petram et fluxerunt aquae et torrentes inundaverunt numquid et panem potest dare aut parare mensam populo suo ecce percussit petram et fluxerunt aquae et torrentes inundaverunt numquid et panem poterit dare aut praeparare carnem populo suo
Psal VulgHetz 77:20  Quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo?
Psal VulgClem 77:20  quoniam percussit petram, et fluxerunt aquæ, et torrentes inundaverunt. Numquid et panem poterit dare, aut parare mensam populo suo ?
Psal Vulgate_ 77:20  ecce percussit petram et fluxerunt aquae et torrentes inundaverunt numquid et panem poterit dare aut praeparare carnem populo suo [ (Psalms 77:21) ideo audivit Dominus et non distulit et ignis accensus est in Iacob et furor ascendit in Israhel ] [ (Psalms 77:22) quia non crediderunt Deo nec habuerunt fiduciam in salutari eius ] [ (Psalms 77:23) et praecepit nubibus desuper et portas caeli aperuit ] [ (Psalms 77:24) et pluit super eos man ut comederent et triticum caeli dedit eis ] [ (Psalms 77:25) panem fortium comedit vir cibaria misit eis in saturitatem ] [ (Psalms 77:26) abstulit eurum de caelo et induxit in fortitudine sua africum ] [ (Psalms 77:27) et pluit super eos quasi pulverem carnes et quasi harenam maris volatilia pinnata ] [ (Psalms 77:28) et ceciderunt in medio castrorum eius in circuitu tabernaculorum eius ] [ (Psalms 77:29) et comederunt et saturati sunt nimis et desiderium eorum adtulit eis ] [ (Psalms 77:30) non indiguerunt de cupiditate sua cum adhuc cibus esset in ore eorum ] [ (Psalms 77:31) furor ergo Dei ascendit super eos et occidit pingues eorum et electos Israhel incurvavit ] [ (Psalms 77:32) in omnibus his peccaverunt ultra et non crediderunt mirabilibus eius ] [ (Psalms 77:33) et consumpsit in vanitate dies eorum et annos eorum velociter ] [ (Psalms 77:34) si occidebat eos tunc requirebant eum et convertebantur et diluculo consurgebant ad Deum ] [ (Psalms 77:35) et recordabantur quia Deus fortitudo eorum et Deus excelsus redemptor eorum ] [ (Psalms 77:36) et lactaverunt eum in ore suo et lingua sua mentiti sunt ei ] [ (Psalms 77:37) cor autem eorum non erat firmum cum eo nec permanserunt in pacto eius ] [ (Psalms 77:38) ipse vero misericors propitiabitur iniquitati et non disperdet multumque avertit iram suam et non suscitavit totum furorem suum ] [ (Psalms 77:39) sed recordatus est quia caro essent spiritus vadens et non revertens ] [ (Psalms 77:40) quotiens provocaverunt eum in deserto adflixerunt eum in solitudine ] [ (Psalms 77:41) et conversi sunt et temptaverunt Deum et Sanctum Israhel concitaverunt ] [ (Psalms 77:42) non sunt recordati manus eius diei qua redemit eos a tribulante ] [ (Psalms 77:43) qui fecit in Aegypto signa sua et ostenta sua in regione Taneos ] [ (Psalms 77:44) qui convertit in sanguine fluvios eorum et rivos eorum ut non biberent ] [ (Psalms 77:45) qui inmisit eis genus omne muscarum ut comederent eos et ranas ut disperderent eos ] [ (Psalms 77:46) qui dedit brucho germen eorum et laborem eorum lucustae ] [ (Psalms 77:47) qui occidit in grandine vineas eorum et sycomoros eorum in frigore ] [ (Psalms 77:48) qui tradidit grandini pascua eorum et iumenta eorum volucribus ] [ (Psalms 77:49) qui misit in eos iram furoris sui indignationem et comminationem et angustiam inmissionem angelorum malorum ] [ (Psalms 77:50) munivit semitam furori suo non pepercit morti animae eorum et animantia eorum pesti tradidit ] [ (Psalms 77:51) et percussit omne primogenitum in Aegypto principium partus in tabernaculis Cham ] [ (Psalms 77:52) et tulit veluti oves populum suum et minavit eos sicut gregem in deserto ] [ (Psalms 77:53) et duxit eos cum fiducia et absque timore inimicos autem eorum operuit mare ] [ (Psalms 77:54) et adduxit eos ad terminum sanctificatum suum montem istum quem possedit dextera eius et eiecit a facie eorum gentes et possidere eos fecit in funiculo hereditatem ] [ (Psalms 77:55) et conlocavit in tabernaculis eorum tribus Israhel ] [ (Psalms 77:56) et temptaverunt et provocaverunt Deum excelsum et testimonia eius non custodierunt ] [ (Psalms 77:57) et aversi sunt et praevaricati sunt ut patres eorum incurvati sunt quasi arcus inutilis ] [ (Psalms 77:58) et provocaverunt eum in excelsis suis et in sculptilibus suis ad aemulandum concitaverunt ] [ (Psalms 77:59) audivit Deus et non distulit et proiecit vehementer Israhel ] [ (Psalms 77:60) et reliquit tabernaculum Selo tentorium quod conlocavit inter homines ] [ (Psalms 77:61) tradidit in captivitatem gloriam suam et decorem suum in manu hostis ] [ (Psalms 77:62) et conclusit in gladio populum suum et in hereditate sua non distulit ] [ (Psalms 77:63) iuvenes eius devoravit ignis et virgines eius nemo luxit ] [ (Psalms 77:64) sacerdotes eius gladio ceciderunt et viduae eius non sunt fletae ] [ (Psalms 77:65) et evigilavit quasi dormiens Dominus quasi fortis post crapulam vini ] [ (Psalms 77:66) et percussit hostes suos retrorsum obprobrium sempiternum dedit eos ] [ (Psalms 77:67) et proiecit tabernaculum Ioseph et tribum Efraim non elegit ] [ (Psalms 77:68) sed elegit tribum Iuda montem Sion quem dilexit ] [ (Psalms 77:69) et aedificavit in similitudinem monoceroton sanctuarium suum quasi terram fundavit illud in saeculum ] [ (Psalms 77:70) et elegit David servum suum et tulit eum de gregibus ovium sequentem fetas adduxit eum ] [ (Psalms 77:71) ut pasceret Iacob populum eius et Israhel hereditatem eius ] [ (Psalms 77:72) qui pavit eos in simplicitate cordis sui et in prudentia manuum suarum dux eorum fuit ]
Psal CzeBKR 77:20  Vedl jsi jako stádo lid svůj skrze Mojžíše a Arona.
Psal CzeB21 77:20  Tvá cesta, Bože, vedla přes moře, tvá stezka přes vody mohutné. I když tvé šlépěje nešlo rozeznat,
Psal CzeCEP 77:20  Tvá cesta šla mořem, množstvím vod tvá stezka, aniž bylo znát tvé stopy.
Psal CzeCSP 77:20  Tvá cesta vedla mořem, tvá stezka množstvím vod, ale tvé stopy nebyly znát.