Sira | CPDV | 22:13 | The mourning for the dead is seven days; but for the foolish and the impious, it is all the days of their life. |
Sira | DRC | 22:13 | The mourning for the dead is seven days: but for a fool and an ungodly man all the days of their life. |
Sira | KJVA | 22:13 | Talk not much with a fool, and go not to him that hath no understanding: beware of him, lest thou have trouble, and thou shalt never be defiled with his fooleries: depart from him, and thou shalt find rest, and never be disquieted with madness. |
Sira | VulgSist | 22:13 | Luctus mortui septem dies: fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitae illorum. |
Sira | VulgCont | 22:13 | Luctus mortui septem dies: fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitæ illorum. |
Sira | Vulgate | 22:13 | luctus mortui septem dies fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitae illorum |
Sira | VulgHetz | 22:13 | Luctus mortui septem dies: fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitæ illorum. |
Sira | VulgClem | 22:13 | Luctus mortui septem dies : fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitæ illorum. |
Sira | CzeB21 | 22:13 | S tupcem nezapřádej dlouhý hovor a za hňupem nechoď. Dej si na něj pozor, ať nemáš těžkosti, ať se neposkvrníš, když na něj narazíš. Vyhni se mu a najdeš klid a nebudeš unavován jeho šílenstvím. |