Tobi | CPDV | 7:14 | And I believe, therefore, that he has caused you to come to me, so that this one might be joined in marriage to one of her own kindred, according to the law of Moses. And now, do not continue to doubt that I will give her to you.” |
Tobi | DRC | 7:14 | And I believe he hath therefore made you come to me, that this maid might be married to one of her own kindred, according to the law of Moses: and now doubt not but I will give her to thee. |
Tobi | KJVA | 7:14 | And called Edna his wife, and took paper, and did write an instrument of covenants, and sealed it. |
Tobi | VulgSist | 7:14 | Et credo quoniam ideo fecit vos venire ad me, ut ista coniungeretur cognationi suae secundum legem Moysi: et nunc noli dubium gerere quod tibi eam tradam. |
Tobi | VulgCont | 7:14 | Et credo quoniam ideo fecit vos venire ad me, ut ista coniungeretur cognationi suæ secundum legem Moysi: et nunc noli dubium gerere quod tibi eam tradam. |
Tobi | Vulgate | 7:14 | et credo quoniam ideo vos fecit ad me venire ut ista coniungeretur cognationi suae secundum legem Mosi et nunc noli dubium gerere quod tibi eam non tradam |
Tobi | VulgHetz | 7:14 | Et credo quoniam ideo fecit vos venire ad me, ut ista coniungeretur cognationi suæ secundum legem Moysi: et nunc noli dubium gerere quod tibi eam tradam. |
Tobi | VulgClem | 7:14 | Et credo quoniam ideo fecit vos venire ad me, ut ista conjungeretur cognationi suæ secundum legem Moysi : et nunc noli dubium gerere quod tibi eam tradam. |
Tobi | CzeB21 | 7:14 | Potom zavolal její matku a řekl jí, ať přinese svitek. Na něj napsal manželskou smlouvu, že mu ji podle ustanovení Mojžíšova zákona dává za ženu, a dali se do jídla a pití. |