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You see, life is unpredictable, and as sure as eggs is eggs, it won't always swing your way. But when those storms come I have a clear and simple mantra: In other words: Nature has a way of rewarding that sort of attitude. Sometimes life tests us a little. Things we had banked on coming in just don't work out. People let you down, one disaster follows another. You know the phrase: it never rains but it pours. When those times come we have a choice: do we cower and get beaten or do we stand tall and face it? I liken it to the school bully. When you stand up to them, they often stand down. They are testing you to see what you are made of. Man or mouse? So use those tough times as an opportunity to show the world and yourself what you are made of. Regardless of how you feel, how you see yourself, We all behave and act a little differently, depending on how we have been brought up and what has been thrown at us in our lives - but the underlying truth is that the real core of each of us is strong. You see, we are all a bit like grapes: when you squeeze us, you see what we are made of. And I believe that most people are far stronger than they ever imagine. It is refined within us from thousands of years of having to survive as a species. It might be dusty and hidden away, but it is there somewhere inside you: So don't shy away from hard times, they are your chance to shine. Write this on your bathroom mirror: