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"You shouldn't think of me as your responsibility," she finally said. He gave her a rather superior glance. "I told you I would find you a new position." "But--" "What could there possibly be to discuss?" "Nothing," she grumbled. "Nothing at all." Clearly, it was no use arguing with him just then. "Good." He leaned back contentedly against his pillows. "I'm glad you see it my way." Sophie stood. "I should be going." "To do what?" She felt rather stupid as she said, "I don't know." He grinned. "Have fun with it, then." Her hand tightened around the handle of the serving spoon. "Don't do it," he warned. "Do what?" "Throw the spoon." "I wouldn't dream of it," she said tightly. He laughed aloud. "Oh, yes you would. You're dreaming of it right now. You just wouldn't it." Sophie's hand was gripping the spoon so hard it shook. Benedict was chuckling so hard his bed shook. Sophie stood, still holding the spoon. Benedict smiled. "Are you planning to take that with you?" , Sophie was screaming at herself. . "Whatever could you be thinking," Benedict mused, "to look so adorably ferocious? No, don't tell me," he added. "I'm sure it involves my untimely and painful demise." Slowly and carefully, Sophie turned her back to him and put the spoon down on the table. She didn't want to risk any sudden movements. One false move and she knew she'd be hurling it at his head. Benedict raised his brows approvingly. "That was very mature of you." Sophie turned around slowly. "Are you this charming with everyone or only me?" "Oh, only you." He grinned. "I shall have to make sure you take me up on my offer to find you employment with my mother. You do bring out the best in me, Miss Sophie Beckett." "This is the best?" she asked with obvious disbelief. "I'm afraid so." Sophie just shook her head as she walked to the door. Conversations with Benedict Bridgerton could be exhausting. "Oh, Sophie!" he called out. She turned around. He smiled slyly. "I knew you wouldn't throw the spoon." What happened next was surely not Sophie's fault. She was, she was convinced, temporarily and fleetingly possessed by a demon. Because she absolutely did not recognize the hand that shot out to the small table next to her and picked up a stump of a candle. True, the hand appeared to be connected quite firmly to her arm, but it didn't look the least bit familiar as it drew back and hurled the stump across the room. Straight at Benedict Bridgerton's head. Sophie didn't even wait to see if her aim had been true. But as she stalked out the door, she heard Benedict explode with laughter. Then she heard him shout out, "Well done, Miss Beckett!" And she realized that for the first time in years, her smile was one of pure, unadulterated joy. -Sophie & Benedict" --