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"I have the body but of a weak, feeble woman," she told her troops as the Spanish Armada sailed for home in 1588, "but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too." Relishing opposites, the queen was constant only in her patriotism, her insistence on keeping ends within means, and her determination--a requirement for pivoting--never to be pinned down. 38 Her hopes for religion reflected this. Knowing the upheavals her country had undergone--Henry VIII's expulsion of the pope from English Catholicism, the shift to strict Protestantism in Edward VI's brief reign, the harsh reversion to Rome under Mary--Elizabeth wanted a single church with multiple ways of worship. There was, she pointed out, "only one Jesus Christ." Why couldn't there be different paths to Him? Theological quarrels were "trifles," or, more tartly, "ropes of sand or sea-slime leading to the Moon." 39 Until they affected national sovereignty. God's church, under Elizabeth, would be staunchly English: whether "Catholic" or "Protestant" mattered less than loyalty. This was, in one sense, toleration, for the new queen cared little what her subjects believed. She would watch like a hawk, though, what they did. "Her Majesty seems to me incomparably more feared than her sister," Feria warned Philip--which was saying something since that lady had been "bloody" Mary. "We have lost a kingdom,"