"Speaking of debutantes," Jake continued cautiously when Ian remained silent, "what about the one upstairs? Do you dislike her especially, or just on general principle?" Ian walked over to the table and poured some Scotch into a glass. He took a swallow, shrugged, and said, "Miss Cameron was more inventive than some of her vapid little friends. She accosted me in a garden at a party." "I can see how bothersome that musta been," Jake joked, "having someone like her, with a face that men dream about, tryin' to seduce you, usin' feminine wiles on you. Did they work?" Slamming the glass down on the table, Ian said curtly, "They worked." Coldly dismissing Elizabeth from his mind, he opened the deerskin case on the table, removed some papers he needed to review, and sat down in front of the fire. Trying to suppress his avid curiosity, Jake waited a few minutes before asking, "Then what happened?" Already engrossed in reading the documents in his hand, Ian said absently and without looking up, "I asked her to marry me; she sent me a note inviting me to meet her in the greenhouse; I went there; her brother barged in on us and informed me she was a countess, and that she was already betrothed." The topic thrust from his mind, Ian reached for the quill lying on the small table beside his chair and made a note in the margin of the contract. " " Jake demanded avidly. "And what?" "And what happened-after the brother barged in?" "He took exception to my having contemplated marrying so far above myself and challenged me to a duel," Ian replied in a preoccupied voice as he made another note on the contract. "So what's the girl doin' here now?" Jake asked, scratching his head in bafflement over the doings of the Quality. "Who the hell knows," Ian murmured irritably. "Based on her behavior with me, my guess is she finally got caught in some sleezy affair or another, and her reputation's beyond repair." "What's that got to do with you?" Ian expelled his breath in a long, irritated sigh and glanced at Jake with an expression that made it clear he was finished answering questions. "I assume," he bit out, "that her family, recalling my absurd obsession with her two years ago, hoped I'd come up to scratch again and take her off their hands." "You think it's got somethin' to do with the old duke talking about you bein' his natural grandson and wantin' to make you his heir?" He waited expectantly, hoping for more information, but Ian ignored him, reading his documents. Left with no other choice and no prospect for further confidences, Jake picked up a candle, gathered up some blankets, and started for the barn. He paused at the door, struck by a sudden thought. "She said she didn't send you any note about meetin' her in the greenhouse." "She's a liar and an excellent little actress," Ian said icily, without taking his gaze from the papers. "Tomorrow I'll think of some way to get her out of here and off my hands." Something in Ian's face made him ask, "Why the hurry? You afraid of fallin' fer her wiles again?" "Hardly." "Then you must be made of stone," he teased. "That woman's so beautiful she'd tempt any man who was alone with her for an hour-includin' me, and you know I ain't in the petticoat line at all." "Don't let her catch you alone," Ian replied mildly. "I don't think I'd mind." Jake laughed as he left."