"it was probably more dangerous to remain aboard the fuel- and explosive-laden jeep carrier than to take off and glide-bomb a Japanese capital ship. As Leonard Moser, a plane captain on the Fanshaw Bay, was changing a carburetor on a VC-68 aircraft, half a dozen pilots hovered nearby, coveting a chance to climb into that cockpit and get their tails off the ship. The aviation machinist's mate finished the job, then climbed up into the cockpit. "What are you doing?" one of the pilots asked. "I'm going to check this damn engine out," Moser said, "and then go find a hole to hide in." The pilot said that he would do his own engine check this time, thank you very much. Moser stepped aside. "He got in, started it up, and took off with a cold motor. My helper didn't even have all of the cowling on. That pilot was glad to leave."