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"Frank grabbed a tourist brochure stuck under the napkin dispenser. He began to read it. Piper patted Leo's arm, like she couldn't believe he was really here. Nico stood at the edge of the group, eyeing the passing pedestrians as if they might be enemies. Coach Hedge munched on the salt and pepper shakers. Despite the happy reunion, everybody seemed more subdued than usual--like they were picking up on Leo's mood. Jason had never really considered how important Leo's sense of humor was to the group. Even when things were super serious, they could always depend on Leo to lighten things up. Now, it felt like the whole team had dropped anchor. "So then Jason harnessed the venti," Hazel finished. "And here we are." Leo whistled. "Hot-air horses? Dang, Jason. So basically, you held a bunch of gas together all the way to Malta, and then you let it loose." Jason frowned. "You know, it doesn't sound so heroic when you put it that way." "Yeah, well. I'm an expert on hot air. I'm still wondering, why Malta? I just kind of ended up here on the raft, but was that a random thing, or--" "Maybe because of this." Frank tapped his brochure. "Says here Malta was where Calypso lived." A pint of blood drained from Leo's face. "W-what now?" Frank shrugged. "According to this, her original home was an island called Gozo just north of here. Calypso's a Greek myth thingie, right?" "Ah, a Greek myth thingie!" Coach Hedge rubbed his hands together. "Maybe we get to fight her! Do we get to fight her? 'Cause I'm ready." "No," Leo murmured. "No, we don't have to fight her, Coach." Piper frowned. "Leo, what's wrong? You look--" "Nothing's wrong!" Leo shot to his feet. "Hey, we should get going. We've got work to do!" "But...where did you go?" Hazel asked. "Where did you get those clothes? How--" "Jeez, ladies!" Leo said. "I appreciate the concern, but I don't need two extra moms!" Piper smiled uncertainly. "Okay, but--" "Ships to fix!" Leo said. "Festus to check! Earth goddesses to punch in the face! What are we waiting for? Leo's back!" He spread his arms and grinned. He was making a brave attempt, but Jason could see the sadness lingering in his eyes. Something had happened to him...something to do with Calypso."