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"him." "Do you have anyone else you're tight with?" asked Julie. "Used to. Not anymore." "Because they're not around anymore?" asked Julie. "Something like that." "Robie really respects you. I can tell." "I would imagine there aren't many who he does respect," replied Reel. "I bet you're the same." "We trained together, Robie and me," said Reel. "He was the best, Julie. I always thought I was, but I have to admit, he's better." "Why?" "The intangibles. On the big stuff we're equal. Even he would agree with that. It's the small stuff, though, where I fall behind. Sometimes I let my emotions get the better of me." "That only means you're human. I wish Robie would let that happen to him more often. He keeps it all inside." "Which is exactly what we're trained to do," Reel pointed out. "A job isn't everything, is it? It's not your whole life." "Some jobs are. Our jobs are; at least mine used to be." "And now?" asked Julie. Reel glanced at her as she steered the car through the wet streets and over a bridge into D.C. "Maybe I'm starting a transition phase." "Into another job, or retiring?" "Retiring? How old do you think I am?" Reel chuckled, but Julie's expression remained serious. "Robie told me you don't retire from the sort of work you two do." Reel glanced at her again. "He did?" Julie nodded. "Well, then it must be true. I've never known Will Robie to bullshit." Julie put a hand on Reel's arm. "But you can make"