"I'm losing her, man." The words hurt his body as they left. "It's killing me." Wyatt walked down the steps, sank onto the bottom one. He rubbed his jaw. "You talked to her?" "She won't take my calls." He'd even tried calling when the kids were home, hoping they'd answer. "I really blew it, man. How could I have been so stupid?" "Go over and talk to her face-to-face." "I tried. Three times. Never home." It wasn't like he couldn't see her if he really wanted. She had to be there at night when the kids were sleeping, had to be there in the morning before they left for school. But it didn't take a genius to know she'd only shut the door in his face. And it didn't help matters to know he deserved it. "She doesn't want to see me, and can you blame her? She probably thinks everything was a lie, including my feelings for her. And how can I convince her I love her when she believes I'm a liar? She'll think I'm only after the kids." "You have to talk to her somehow. Leave a message or something." "This isn't the kind of thing you leave on voice mail." Wyatt shrugged and pierced him with a look. "It is if that's the only way she'll listen."