"He crossed the distance separating them. His hand curled around the nape of her neck to drag her into his arms. He held her, there in the old cabin, deep within his mountains and forest. He grieved for the loss of his home, his books, grieved for his past, but most of all, he grieved over his inability to spare Raven. He could command the earth, the animals, the sky, yet he could not bring himself to remove her memories because she had asked him not to do so. Such an innocent, small request. Like the one she was making now. The soil rejuvenated them, supplied them with necessary minerals for their bodies. He found peace in the earth, and couldn't imagine never lying deep within her again. Raven lifted her head, studying his shadowed features with serious eyes. Very gently she smoothed the deep lines of worry from his forehead. "Don't be sad for me, Mikhail, and stop taking so much on yourself. Memories are useful things. When I am stronger, I can take this experience out and examine it, look at it from all angles, and perhaps grow more comfortable with the things we have to do to protect ourselves." There was a trace of humor and a good amount of skepticism at the thought. Mikhail shook his head. "I am sorry, Raven. I had no idea Romanov would force my hand. If we had not put you in the earth, we both would have died." "I'm well aware of that." "I believe I can make you happy in spite of everything, Raven. Just give us a chance."