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"The decades that she devoted to conserving her husband's legacy made Eliza only more militantly loyal to his memory, and there was one injury she could never forget: the exposure of the Maria Reynolds affair, for which she squarely blamed James Monroe. In the 1820s, after Monroe had completed two terms as president, he called upon Eliza in Washington, D.C., hoping to thaw the frost between them. Eliza was then about seventy and staying at her daughter's home. She was sitting in the backyard with her fifteen-year-old nephew when a maid emerged and presented the ex-president's card. Far from being flattered by this distinguished visitor, Eliza was taken aback. "She read the name and stood holding the card, much perturbed," said her nephew. "Her voice sank and she spoke very low, as she always did when she was angry. 'What has that man come to see me for?'" The nephew said that Monroe must have stopped by to pay his respects. She wavered. "I will see him," she finally agreed.13 So the small woman with the upright carriage and the sturdy, determined step marched stiffly into the house. When she entered the parlor, Monroe rose to greet her. Eliza then did something out of character and socially unthinkable: she stood facing the ex-president but did not invite him to sit down. With a bow, Monroe began what sounded like a well-rehearsed speech, stating "that it was many years since they had met, that the lapse of time brought its softening influences, that they both were nearing the grave, when past differences could be forgiven and forgotten."14 Eliza saw that Monroe was trying to draw a moral equation between them and apportion blame equally for the long rupture in their relationship. Even at this late date, thirty years after the fact, she was not in a forgiving mood. "Mr. Monroe," she told him, "if you have come to tell me that you repent, that you are sorry, very sorry, for the misrepresentations and the slanders and the stories you circulated against my dear husband, if you have come to say this, I understand it. But otherwise, no lapse of time, no nearness to the grave, makes any difference."15 Monroe took in this rebuke without comment. Stunned by the fiery words delivered by the elderly little woman in widow's weeds, the ex-president picked up his hat, bid Eliza good day, and left the house, never to return."