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"Your father's death was an accident," Kate said. "An accident. A terrible, horrible twist of fate that no one could have predicted." Anthony shrugged fatalistically. "I'll probably go the same way." "Oh, for the love of--" Kate managed to bite her tongue a split second before she blasphemed. "Anthony, I could die tomorrow as well. I could have died today when that carriage rolled on top of me." He paled. "Don't ever remind me of that." "My mother died when she was my age," Kate reminded him harshly. "Did you ever think of that? By your laws, I should be dead by my next birthday." "Don't be--" "Silly?" she finished for him. Silence reigned for a full minute. Finally, Anthony said, his voice barely above a whisper, "I don't know if I can get past this." "You don't have to get past it," Kate said. She caught her lower lip, which had begun to tremble, between her teeth, and then laid her hand on an empty spot on the bed. "Could you come over here so I can hold your hand?" Anthony responded instantly; the warmth of her touch flooded him, seeping through his body until it caressed his very soul. And in that moment he realized that this was about more than love. This woman made him a better person. He'd been good and strong and kind before, but with her at his side, he was something more. And together they could do anything. It almost made him think that forty might not be such an impossible dream. "You don't have to get past it," she said again, her words blowing softly between them. "To be honest, I don't see how you get completely past it until you turn thirty-nine. But what you do"-- she gave his hand a squeeze, and Anthony somehow felt even stronger than he had just moments before--" is refuse to allow it to rule your life." "I realized that this morning," he whispered, "when I knew I had to tell you I loved you. But somehow now-- now I it." She nodded, and he saw that her eyes were filling with tears. "You have to live each hour as if it's your last," she said, "and each day as if you were immortal." -Kate & Anthony"