"Cromwell. The door was flung open. In stalked the Protector, disgusted once more with the inability of human weaklings to come to the point, to get action, to see what he wanted and let him have it. Was it not, he berated them, every Christian's duty to receive the Jews into England, the only nation where religion was taught in its full purity, and "not to exclude them from the light and leave them among false teachers, Papists and idolaters"? This argument silenced objectors among the clergy. Then he poured his contempt upon the City men. "Can ye really be afraid that this mean and despised people should be able to prevail in trade over the merchants of England, the noblest and most esteemed merchants of the whole world?" "Thus he went on," says an observer, "till he had silenced them too.... I never heard a man speak so well in his life." But"