"Yes, but all that's needed is to break reciprocity," he answered. "By controlling information, making sure it flows one way. Take over the databases. Trump up panic situations, so the public will support paternalistic 'protections.' Make sure lots of privacy laws get passed, then bribe open some back doors, so elites can see it all anyway, and 'privacy' only protects them. "Of course there's more to the program than that," Hamish continued, gaining momentum. "The smarty-pants knowledge castes will see what's happening and complain. So you propagandize a lot of populist resentment against the scientists and other professionals, calling them 'smug elites.' Finally ... when the civil servants and techies have lost the public's trust, just cut the other estates out of the information loop, take complete control over the cameras and government agencies and voila! A tyranny that lasts millennia!"