"There were no singers, no musical interludes, no quizzes or money to be won. It was wall-to-wall Breneman and his ladies: crazy questions and spontaneous, witty, sometimes devilishly clever answers. "What's your favorite morning fruit juice?" Breneman asked a young woman. "Gin rickey," she said, delighting the crowd. "Did you ever milk a cow?" Breneman might ask out of the blue. There was no telling what marvelous anecdote he might pry out of someone with a question like that. "What's your most embarrassing moment?" was a stock icebreaker. "Who gets up for those midnight feedings, you or your husband?" After bandying this question with the younger women, Breneman turned to an old lady, who said, "It certainly wasn't him. We didn't have bottles in those days."