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Anna: Right. I can only imagine. Etienne: And what, exactly, ist hat supposed to mean? Anna: Forget it. Etienne: No. Let's not forget it. I'm sick and tired of forgetting it, Anna. Anna: You're tired of forgetting it? I've had to do nothing BUT forget it. Do you think it's easy sitting in my room every night, thinking about you and Ellie? Do you think any of this has been easy for me? Etienne: I'm sorry. Anna: You tell me I'm beautiful, and that you like my hair and you like my smile. You rest your leg against mine in darkened theatres, and then you acta s if nothing happened when the lights go up. You slept in my bed for three nights straight, and then you jsut ... blew me off for the next month. What am I supposed to do with that, St. Clair? You said on my birthday that you were afraid of being alone, but I've been here this whole time. This whole time. Etienne: Anna. I am so sorry that I've hur you. I've made terrible decisions. And I realize it's possible that I don't deserve your forgiveness, because it's taken me this long to get here. But I don't understand why you're not giving me the chance. You didn't even let me explain myself lad weekend. You just tore into me, expected the worst of me. But the only truth I know is what i feel when we're together. I thought you trusted those feelings, too. I thought you trusted me, I thought you knew me ... Anna: But that's just it! I don't know you. I tell you everything, St. Clair. About my dad, about Bridgette and Toph, about Matt and Cherrie. I told you about being a virgin. And what have you told me? Nothing! I know nothing about you. Not about your father, not about Ellie ... Etienne: You know me better than anyone. Andi f you ever bothered to pay attention, you'd understand that things with my father are beyond shite right now. And I can't believe you think so poorly of me that you'd assume I'd wait the entire year to kiss you, and then the moment it happened, I'd ... I'd be done with you. OF COURSE I was with Ellie that night. I WAS BLODDY BREAKING UP WITH HER! You say that I'm afraid of being alone, and it's true. I am And I'm not proud o fit. But you need to take a good look at yourself, Anna, because I am not the only one in this room who suffers this problem.