"Before Evie could protest, Mal sighed. "Of course there is. The party of the year. A real rager, didn't you hear?" Mal looked her up and down and shook her head sadly. "Oh, I guess you didn't hear." She mock-winced, looking at Carlos conspiratorially. "Everyone's going to be there." "They are?" Carlos looked confused. "But you only just told me to have it--" He quickly got the message. "Everyone," he agreed. Evie smiled. "Sounds awesome. I haven't been to a party in a long, long time." Mal raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is a very exclusive party, and I'm afraid you didn't get an invitation." With those parting words, Mal went ahead of them into the classroom--she was in their next class too, of course (her EQ was legendary)--and left them to each other. "Sorry," Carlos mumbled. "I guess I was wrong, Mal doesn't just talk a big game." "Yeah, me too. The party sounds like fun," Evie said sadly. "You want to see what I'm making?" he asked, trying to change the subject as they settled into their seats. He took out of his bag a black box, with wires and an antenna poking out from one side--the same contraption he'd"