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"Malarkey opened his arms, for they were the ones that held Chevie, and he pushed her on to a bench. "Tell me now, Injun, is you gonna row in, or act out? If'n it's number two, then I shall brain you without delay, but if you gives me your pledge that we stand on the same bank of the river, so to speak, then spit and shake and let's be finishing this revolution for once and for all." A long speech under the circumstances, but Otto had always been overly fond of the sound of his own voice, and Chevie understood the gist despite the unfamiliar terms. She did not fancy that. "Just shake, Otto, OK? A big mouth like yours makes a lot of spit, and I've had enough disgusting liquid for one day." Otto grunted and shook, and during the shake both shakers were coincidentally thinking along identical lines. "Hmph," said Otto. "Yep," said Chevie."