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"But I thought we might get naked, just like Adam and Eve, so natural..." I gasped. I'd forgotten all about that part of my conversation with Scott! Utter humiliation. I curled into a tighter ball. "Oh, come on. You haven't even thanked me yet." "For what?" I asked, still not looking. "For saving you from snogging that plonker. You didn't really fancy him, did you?" My cheeks burned, and I was glad to be turned away from him. I kept my mouth shut. "So that's it, then?" he asked. I ignored him. "I always wondered what it would feel like." That made me curious enough to turn to him. "What would feel like?" I asked. "Rejection." He seemed in the midst of a revelation. "What are you saying? That no girl has ever told you no?" "Not one." Well, that explained a lot. "And what about you?" I asked. "Haven't you ever stopped or said no to a girl?" He laughed as if I'd said something ridiculous. "Why would I do that?" "Lots of reasons," I said. "Never mind, just go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." I turned away from him again, punching the thick pillow and laying my head down. "I suppose I did refuse one, but she doesn't count," he said. "Why not?" "Because she was Neph." Discomfort gnawed at me. "This must be the part where I take a cold shower?" he asked. "Good idea." When he was in the bathroom with the water running, I jumped down and changed into my pajamas. Then I leaped back into bed and chanted to myself, Impossible."