"If we meet in battle, I will know the song your heart sings, eh? And you will know mine." She swallowed, trying to read his expression, frustrated by the shadows. "What if it happened? What if you were attacking a farm, and you saw me at one of the windows? What would you do?" "I would salute you. There will be no war between us." "There war between us, though. Our people hate each other, Hunter." He sighed and peered through the gloom at her. " " "What?" "Make room for me." He lifted the robe and joined her on the pallet. "Wha--you're not going to sleep with me?" " , I am very terribly cold." Loretta suspected he was lying, but she moved over, secretly glad to have him there, her mind shying away from the enormity of what that meant. He rolled onto his side and laid an arm across her waist. Their faces were scant inches apart. Their gazes locked. His teeth gleamed again in a slow smile. "Are you sad? About saying good-bye tomorrow?" "No. You will ride in a great circle back to me. The Great Ones have spoken it." "In your song?" She sniffed. "That song has caused me enough grief." He tightened his arm and drew her closer, "Sleep, This last time, at my side."