Consider the great . is one of the few books that all American children are mandated to read: Jonathan Arac, in his brilliant new study of the teaching of Huck, is quite right to term it 'hyper-canonical.' And Twain is a figure in American history as well as in American letters. The only objectors to his presence in the schoolroom are mediocre or fanatical racial nationalists or 'inclusivists,' like or the Chicago-based , who object to Twain's use--in or out of 'context'--of the expression 'nigger.' An empty and formal 'debate' on this has dragged on for decades and flares up every now and again to bore us. But what if Twain were taught as a whole? He served briefly as a Confederate soldier, and wrote a hilarious and melancholy account, . He went on to make a fortune by publishing the memoirs of . He composed a caustic and brilliant . With he led the Anti-Imperialist League, to oppose and pious and sanguinary war in the Philippines. Some of the pamphlets he wrote for the league can be set alongside those of and for their sheer polemical artistry. In 1900 he had a public exchange with in New York City, in which he attacked American support for the British war in South Africa and British support for the American war in Cuba. Does this count as history? Just try and find any reference to it, not just in textbooks but in more general histories and biographies. The Anti-Imperialist League has gone down the Orwellian memory hole, taking with it a great swirl of truly American passion and intellect, and the grand figure of Twain has become reduced--in part because he upended the vials of ridicule over the national tendency to religious and spiritual quackery, where he discerned what had missed and far anticipated --to that of a drawling, avuncular fabulist.