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"Mother," Alec's voice as he interrupted his mother was firm, implacable, and not unkind. "Father. There's something I have to tell you." he smiled at them. "I'm seeing someone." Robert Lightwood looked at his son with some exasperation. "Alec," he said. "This is hardly the time." "Yes, it is. This is important. You see, I'm not just seeing anyone." Words seemed to be pouring out of Alec in a torrent, while his parents looked on in confusion. Isabelle and Magnus were staring at him with expressions of nearly identical astonishment. "I'm seeing a Downworlder. In fact, I'm seeing a war-" Magnus's fingers moved, quick as a flash of light, in Alec's direction. There was a faint shimmer in the air around Alec-his eyes rolled up-and he dropped to the floor, felled like a tree. "Alec!" Maryse clapped her hand to her mouth. Isabelle, who had been closest to her brother, dropped down beside him. But Alec had already begun to stir, his eyelids fluttering open. "Wha-what-why am I on the floor?" "That's a good question." Isabelle glowered down at her brother. "What that?" "What was what?" Alec sat up, holding his head. A look of alarm crossed his face. "Wait-did I say anything? Before I passed out, I mean." Jace snorted. "You know how we were wondering if that thing Clary did would work or not?" he asked. "It works all right." Alec looked supremely horrified. "What did I say?" "You said you were seeing someone," his father told him. "Though you weren't clear as to why that was important." "Its not," Alec said. "I mean, I'm not seeing anyone. And its not important. Or it wouldn't be if I was seeing someone, which I'm not." Magnus looked at him as if he were an idiot. "Alec's been delirious," he said. "Side effect of some demon toxins. Most unfortunate, but he'll be fine soon." ~pg.286-287~"