"Can I tell you something? Off the record?" Alex nodded. "Before I took this job, I used to work in Maine. And I had a case that wasn't just a case, if you know what I mean." Alex did. She found herself listening in his voice for a note she hadn't heard before-a low one that resonated with anguish, like a tuning fork that never stopped its vibration. "There was a woman there who meant everything to me, and she had a little boy who meant everything to her. And when he was hurt, in a way a kid never should be, I moved heaven and earth to work that case, because I thought no one could possibly do a better job than I could. No one could possibly care more about the outcome." He looked directly at Alex. "I was so sure I could separate how I felt about what had happened from how I had to do my job." Alex swallowed, dry as dust. "And did you?" "No. Because when you love someone, no matter what you tell yourself, it stops being a job." "What does it become?" Patrick thought for a moment. "Revenge."