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"Nice hammer," Harlow said from behind me. "Hey," I said, glancing around casually to see if Winnie was with her. "Nice shiner." "You should see the other chick," she muttered. "Can we talk?" Setting down my hammer, I followed her away from the other guys. Harlow seemed tense and I worried something was wrong with Winnie. "This is awkward and I feel weird coming here like this," she said, pushing her blonde hair behind her ears. "Are you dating anyone?" My breath caught. A fear rose up in my chest at the thought of Harlow wanting to date me. What would that mean for me and Winnie? The look in Harlow's eyes calmed my terror. I might as well have been a brick wall based on the lack of attraction she showed. "No." "Some girl was hugging you outside a restaurant. Wasn't that a date?" Frowning, I scratched at my jaw where I forgot to shave that morning. "That was a girl from high school. She might have been into me, but we went out as friends. I'm not dating anyone." "Winnie saw you with that girl and she got really upset. I know she's not ready to have a boyfriend, but she wants you. Do you want her?" Playing it cool might be the stud move, but I didn't want to be a player. I wanted Winnie. Besides, for the second time in twenty four hours, someone close to Winnie wanted to play matchmaker. "Yes." Harlow nodded. "She's messed up. You know that, right?" "I know she's fragile, yeah." "Winnie has a lot of phobias. Not stupid shit for attention, but real chronic problems that won't go away because you're hot. She's been in therapy for years and gotten stronger, but she'll never be okay." "I understand." Harlow bit her lip then nodded again. "Do you want to take her out to dinner tomorrow?" "Yes." Harlow smiled. "You better be chattier than that on the date or else no one will say anything. Winnie likely won't say anything all night, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to. She just takes a long time to warm up to people." I wasn't sure what Harlow saw on my face, but she grinned. "She really wants to warm up to you, Dylan. Don't fuck it up, okay?" "I'll do my best." When Harlow narrowed her eyes, I was pretty sure she might hit me. "I appreciate the way you tried to save us that day. You showed balls and I respect that. With that said, you better be taking this seriously, understand?" Leaning closer, I stared right into those suspicious eyes. "No one makes me feel like Winnie. If she needs to take it slow, we'll go slow. If she wants to rush into it, we'll rush. If she needs me to stand on my fucking head and sing the , I'll do it. So yes, I'm taking this very seriously," I said, running a hand where short dark stubble took the place of my mohawk. "I told Winnie I would wait and I meant it. What you think is me being passive is just patience." "Okay," Harlow said softly. "You know when I came to Ellsberg, I was pretty messed up. My family was dead and I was in this new place with strangers. Winnie took care of me. She became my sister and best friend. I love her like she's blood. Nothing personal, but if you hurt her, I'll have to kill you." "Fair enough," I said, grinning. "Smile all you want, buddy, but I've got moves." Harlow faked a punch, but I didn't flinch. My mind was already focused on tomorrow. I hadn't talked to Winnie since the day Nick's dad showed up. I hadn't seen her close up in weeks. I needed to be close to her even if she couldn't do more than hide behind her hair all night."