Next panel [Plate 9]: Adam and Eve--painted by Masaccio--as they are thrown out of Eden. (Masaccio seems to have been, too.) The figures are less standard, even less accurate, than Masolino's: Adam's arms are far too short, his right calf is impossibly bowlegged; Eve's arms are of unequal length and she is dumpier than in Masolino's version, with a fat back and hefty haunches and an awfully thick right ankle. But they are alive, believable, fleshy!--and being pushed forward into all the horror of real life. Adam's stomach, sucked in and emphasizing his vulnerable ribs, displays the tension of inconsolable grief; Eve's hands, placed to shield her belles choses (and copied by Masaccio from the teasing poses of ancient Venuses), have been transformed into demonstrations of irremediable shame. Her breast, peeking out above her wrist, is a real breast; and Adam's genitals are downright funky--not smoothly attractive, not ready for the style section of the Sunday newspaper, just their grotty selves. Never before had such nudes been seen or even thought of. How far they are from the ideal figures of the ancients, as well as from the self-censoring expressions of so many Christian centuries.