"Hausen himself, whose chief concern, second only to his reverence for titles, was a passionate attention to the amenities offered by each night's billets, was equally annoyed. On August 27, his first night in France, no chateau was available for himself and the Crown Prince of Saxony who accompanied him. They had to sleep in the house of a sous-prefet which had been left in complete disorder; "even the beds had not been made!" The following night was worse: he had to endure quarters in the house of a M. Chopin, a peasant! The dinner was meager, the lodgings "not spacious," and the staff had to accommodate itself in the nearby rectory whose cure had gone to war. His old mother, who looked like a witch, hung around and "wished us all at the devil." Red streaks in the sky showed that Rocroi, through which his troops had just passed, was in flames. Happily the following night was spent in the beautifully furnished home of a wealthy French industrialist who was "absent." Here the only discomfort suffered by Hausen was the sight of a wall covered by espaliered pear trees heavy with fruit that was "unfortunately not completely ripe." However, he enjoyed a delightful reunion with Count Munster, Major Count Kilmansegg, Prince Schoenburg-Waldenburg of the Hussars, and Prince Max, Duke of Saxe, acting as Catholic chaplain, to whom Hausen was able to convey the gratifying news that he had just received by telephone the best wishes for success of the Third Army from his sister, the Princess Mathilda."