"So where did you go, Holly?" Rafiq never tires of this conversation, no matter how often we do it. "Everywhere," says Lorelei, being brave and selfless. "Colombia, Australia, China, Iceland, Old New York. Didn't you, Gran?" "I did, yes." I wonder what life in Cartagena, in Perth, in Shanghai is like now. Ten years ago I could have streetviewed the cities, but the Net's so torn and ragged now that even when we have reception it runs at prebroadband speed. My tab's getting old, too, and I only have one more in storage. If any arrive via Ringaskiddy Concession, they never make it out of Cork City. I remember the pictures of seawater flooding Fremantle during the deluge of '33. Or was it the deluge of '37? Or am I confusing it with pictures of the sea sluicing into the New York subway, when five thousand people drowned underground? Or was that Athens? Or Mumbai? Footage of catastrophes flowed so thick and fast through the thirties that it was hard to keep track of which coastal region had been devastated this week, or which city had been decimated by Ebola or Ratflu. The news turned into a plotless never-ending disaster movie I could hardly bring myself to watch."