"How do you think it will happen?' 'Well, thermonuclear extinction has always been very popular. Although the big boys are being quite polite to each other at the moment.' 'Asteroid strike?' said Aziraphale. 'Quite the fashion these days, I understand. Strike into the Indian Ocean, great big cloud of dust and vapour, goodbye all higher life forms.' 'Wow,' said Crowley. taking care to exceed the speed limit. Every little helped. 'Doesn't bear thinking about it, does, it,' said Aziraphale gloomily. 'All the higher life forms scythed away, just like that.' 'Terrible.' 'Nothin but dust and fundamentalists.' 'That was nasty.' 'Sorry, couldn't resist it.' They stared at the road. 'Maybe some terrorist-?' Aziraphale began. 'Not one of ours,' said Crowley. 'Or ours,' said Aziraphale. 'Although ours are freedom fighters, of course.' 'I'll tell you what,' said Crowley, scorching rubber on the Tadfield bypass. 'Cards on the table time. I'll tell you ours if you tell me yours.' 'All right. You first.' 'Oh, no. You first.' 'But you're a demon.'