"Mel was tugging at her T-shirt as Jack was handing her the baby. She held the baby's cheek against her warm breast, running her fingers over his perfect head. The baby stopped crying and appeared to be looking around. Mel glanced up at Jack and gave him a little smile. "Come on, little guy," she cooed, serene, totally focused on her son. "Do your job here. Stanch the bleeding, bring out the placenta." She pinched her nipple to fit the baby's mouth, trying to entice him with it. Jack felt a river of emotion run through him. He didn't know if he was about to burst into song or faint. He dropped to his knees to be closer and watched Mel tickle the baby's mouth and cheek with her nipple and then the baby turned his head instinctively and clamped on, took hold, suckled. And Mel said, "Oh, my! You're very good at this." Then she looked at Jack, who knelt by the bed, dazed. She smiled weakly and said, "Thank you, darling." He leaned closer to her, his face next to his son's head. "My God, Melinda," he said in a breath. "What the hell did we just do?" *"