"But it was his speaking voice that would be famous, first on The Children's Hour, later as announcer on the Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts. The show was heavily musical, following Cross's deep interest in classical music and opera. There might be an opening hymn, sung by Audrey Egan; then a poem; then a song from one of the youngest children. "And who is standing here with her ticket ready to pay for a ride on the White Rabbit Bus?" Cross would ask; and a small voice would chirp, "It's Jeannie Elkins, Mr. Conductor." Then came another song, and the members of the Peter Pig Club would clamor for a story, which Cross would narrate and the cast act out. Among the notables to emerge from the show were Metropolitan Opera star Rise Stevens and screen actress Ann Blyth. Vivian Smolen, Jackie Kelk, Walter Tetley, and the Halops had distinguished radio careers as adults." --