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"Toyota wasn't really worried that it would give away its "secret sauce." Toyota's competitive advantage rested firmly in its proprietary, complex, and often unspoken processes. In hindsight, Ernie Schaefer, a longtime GM manager who toured the Toyota plant, told NPR's This American Life that he realized that there were no special secrets to see on the manufacturing floors. "You know, they never prohibited us from walking through the plant, understanding, even asking questions of some of their key people," Schaefer said. "I've often puzzled over that, why they did that. And I think they recognized we were asking the wrong questions. We didn't understand this bigger picture." It's no surprise, really. Processes are often hard to see--they're a combination of both formal, defined, and documented steps and expectations and informal, habitual routines or ways of working that have evolved over time. But they matter profoundly. As MIT's Edgar Schein has explored and discussed, processes are a critical part of the unspoken culture of an organization. 1 They enforce "this is what matters most to us." Processes are intangible; they belong to the company. They emerge from hundreds and hundreds of small decisions about how to solve a problem. They're critical to strategy, but they also can't easily be copied. Pixar Animation Studios, too, has openly shared its creative process with the world. Pixar's longtime president Ed Catmull has literally written the book on how the digital film company fosters collective creativity2--there are fixed processes about how a movie idea is generated, critiqued, improved, and perfected. Yet Pixar's competitors have yet to equal Pixar's successes. Like Toyota, Southern New Hampshire University has been open with would-be competitors, regularly offering tours and visits to other educational institutions. As President Paul LeBlanc sees it, competition is always possible from well-financed organizations with more powerful brand recognition. But those assets alone aren't enough to give them a leg up. SNHU has taken years to craft and integrate the right experiences and processes for its students and they would be exceedingly difficult for a would-be competitor to copy. SNHU did not invent all its tactics for recruiting and serving its online students. It borrowed from some of the best practices of the for-profit educational sector. But what it's done with laser focus is to ensure that all its processes--hundreds and hundreds of individual "this is how we do it" processes--focus specifically on how to best respond to the job students are hiring it for. "We think we have advantages by 'owning' these processes internally," LeBlanc says, "and some of that is tied to our culture and passion for students."