"What did you say?" he asked. "To who?" "Whom," he said, and then he almost kicked himself. "To Miss MacIntyre, for example." She studied his face for a second and then, with a hand on her hip, she said, "I said, 'You're damn skippy he'll do a wedding--he needs the work!' What do you think I said? I took her number and told her I'd have you call her back. The same to all of them. Except the nurse--I told her she was scraping the bottom of the barrel, going after your hot pants." Then she smirked. "You're a pain in the butt," he said. "Yeah, so says the pot to the kettle. You thought I wasn't smart enough to know how to answer an office phone. I've worked in offices!" "I know this," he informed her. "Ah, you thought I got those jobs because I have--" He put up a hand to stop her. "I never thought a thing," he said. "Boobs," she finished insolently. Then she winked while she chewed vigorously on some gum. She cracked it for good measure." --