Psalm 121 says: Good person to have on side, I always figure. Now, some of you will say, hey, I don't need this Christian stuff. And I hear you. But it is easy to be cynical when all is going your way. Remember that. Robin Knox-Johnston, the round-the-world sailor, said: What that says to me is unless you know what it is like to be truly afraid and have no one around to help you, then don't preach to me your atheism. And, wow, it takes a proud man to say he never needs any sort of help or encouragement. I sure need it. But don't worry. Believing quietly doesn't mean you have to be all religious. I am not. And guess what...nor was Jesus! In fact, if you read about him, 1 he was totally fun, ridiculously free, crazily wild, loved a party and always hung out with the non-religious folk. The only people he ever got angry with were the ultra-religious types! Instead, finding a faith should help you to be freer, more full of life, more filled with joy, peace and love than you would ever imagine. And those qualities, in abundance, will only make you stronger and more capable of living a wild and adventurous life.