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Dwelling on mistakes, endlessly replaying scenes in your head, only makes them grow. So the next time you find yourself lying in bed at night, cursing your stupidity or foolishness, it's worth reminding yourself that, in all probability, the mistake isn't that big a deal to anyone else. Too often we can be our own hardest critic and worst enemy. Let it go and don't waste more energy on regrets than you need to. There's a very good reason why you made a mistake: you're human! We all make them from time to time. Which is why we should also be understanding and forgiving when someone else makes one. Ever heard the phrase 'When you're in a hole, stop digging'? It's the same with mistakes. Oh, and if you want to be really smart, then learn from the mistakes that other people make, so as to avoid the pain yourself. (A newspaper is a good place to start, and it is one of the few benefits of reading them!)