"well-armed and fierce-faced, threatening despite their small stature. Simon stared at the trolls. The trolls stared at Simon. "They've all heard of ye, Simon," Haestan boomed; the three riders looked up, startled by his loud voice, "--but no one's hardly seen ye yet." The trolls looked the tall guardsman up and down in alarm, then clucked at their mounts and rode on hurriedly, disappearing around the mountain face. "Gave them some gossip," Haestan chuckled. "Binabik told me about his home," Simon said, "but it was hard to understand what he was saying. Things are never quite what you think they're going to be, are they?" "Only th' good Lord Usires knows all answers," Haestan nodded. "Now, if y'would see y'r small friend, we'd best move on. Walk careful now--and not so close t'edge, there." * * * They made their way slowly down the looping path, which alternately narrowed and widened as it traversed the mountainside. The sun was high overhead, but hidden in a nest of soot-colored clouds, and a biting wind swooped along Mintahoq's face. The mountaintop above was white-blanketed in ice, like the high peaks across the valley, but at this lower height the snow had fallen more patchily. Some wide drifts lay across the path, and others nestled among"