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So many people I have met over the years walk around carrying a heap of emotional hang-ups that weigh them down. Maybe it's the burden of parental expectations that makes them pick a job based on what they felt they 'should' do rather than would 'love' to do. Or maybe it is a deep-rooted fear about the future, or an anxiety about what people might think of them if they choose a more unusual or less 'celebrated' or money-generating profession. Whatever the 'baggage' is, those people lug this unnecessary burden around, determined subconsciously to live out their lives in such a way as to endorse what some key influencers have told them about themselves over the years. Even if those 'home truths' aren't true! So many people have been told too many negative things from a very young age, and these shape us. 'You're no good, you're stupid, you're a failure, a disgrace...' the list goes on. But they are not true. I am here to say that this burden doesn't have to forge your reality. Yes, maybe you failed at something. So what? Who hasn't? That doesn't make you a failure. 'You're stupid.' No, you are not. You just failed an exam because you probably didn't work hard enough! So, can you see some common solutions? For the exams - work harder. Both are qualities you can influence. That's the good news. And as for the names you were called - believe me, they aren't you, and you don't have to wear those labels any longer. Start afresh. Drop them. Pack light.