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structure, Banks noticed, high cheekbones and a strong jaw, with pale, freckled skin. She sat with her legs curled under her and her hands resting on the arms of the chair. 'Coffee?' asked Dr Wong. Chelsea declined the offer, but Banks and Winsome said yes. 'I'm not fetching it for you myself, you understand,' Dr Wong said. 'I wouldn't stoop that low.' 'I don't care who gets it,' said Banks, 'as long as it's black and strong.' Dr Wong smiled. 'I just wanted you to know.' Then she left the room. Banks smiled at Chelsea, who seemed wary of him. 'Doctors,' he said, with a shrug. She nodded, and a hint of a smile flitted at the corners of her lips. 'I know this is tough for you,' Banks went on, 'but I'd like you to tell me in your own words, and in your own time, exactly what happened in the Maze tonight, and my friend Winsome over there will write it down. You can start with why you were there.' Chelsea glanced at Winsome, then at