"I just don't want your family to think we're in a serious relationship." "Aren't we?" he asked her. "Aren't you?" "You know there's no one else in my life," she said. "I'm completely monogamous. I just need time... You know..." "Man," he said, laughing. "This figures." "What?" "All those years I made sure the woman I was seeing at the time knew I couldn't be tied down... There are women out there, Mel, who would think I'm getting just what I deserve right now." "You know what I mean. It's just my issues..." "I'm waiting out the issues. And I'm serious about that." "You're very patient with me, Jack. And I appreciate it. I just don't want them to get the wrong idea. And we will sleep in separate bedrooms at your dad's." "No," he said firmly. "I'm over forty years old. I sleep with you every night. I told my dad that one bedroom would be just fine." She sighed heavily. Nervously. "Okay then. But we're not doing it at your dad's." And he laughed at her. *"