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"Our voices sounded small in the noisy darkness. We called her name again and again. We waved our flashlights in hope that she'd see their bobbing light. We were hoarse from calling. And desperate when she didn't answer. The faint trail gave out, and we began circling back to the house without realizing it until we saw the lights in the windows. "We need to call the police," Dad said. "We don't know the land the way they do. We'll get lost ourselves if we keep going." Wordlessly, we made our way home. Mom was on the front porch, shivering in her warmest down coat. "You didn't find her?" "No." Dad stopped to hug her. Mom clung to him. They stood there whispering to each other, as if they'd forgotten about me. I waited, shifting my weight from one frozen foot to the other, afraid Bloody Bones might be watching us from the trees. Not that I believed he actually existed, not in my world, the real world, the five-senses world. But with the wind blowing and the moon sailing in and out of clouds like a ghost racing across the sky, I could almost believe I'd crossed a border into another world, where anything could be true--even conjure women and spells and monsters. The police came sooner than we'd expected. We heard their sirens and saw their flashing lights before they'd even turned into the driveway. Four cars and an ambulance stopped at the side of the house. Doors opened, men got out. A couple of them had dogs, big German shepherds who"