Bond grunted. 'God knows when I'll be able to bathe,' he said. 'The doctor's talking through his hat. And when I can bathe it would probably be better for me to bathe alone for a bit. I don't want to frighten anybody. Apart from anything else,' he glanced pointedly down the bed, 'my body's a mass of scars and bruises. But you enjoy yourself. There's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy yourself.' Vesper was stung by the bitterness and injustice in his voice. 'I'm sorry,' she said, 'I just thought ... I was just trying ...' Suddenly her eyes filled with tears. She swallowed. 'I wanted ... I wanted to help you get well.' Her voice strangled. She looked piteously at him, facing the accusation in his eyes and in his manner. Then she broke down and buried her face in her hands and sobbed.